Article Marketing - The Easy and Inexpensive Way To Market Your BusinessAdrian C Sheffield Author, Mentor and Consultantonline marketing,marketing,blogging,article writing,search engine optimization,search engine marketing,mentoring,adrian sheffield |
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In today's article, I'd like to share a very informative article which was written by another professional writer. Read this article throughly and enjoy the knowledge. Article Marketing - The Easy and Inexpensive Way To Market Your BusinessBy Margaret E Crum "Article marketing is one of the easiest, least expensive but highly profitable ways to attract quality traffic to your website. Publishing well-written content articles that provide helpful information to a target audience is a great way to brand your business. Consumers read articles that offer ways to solve problems, often seeking more information, they are compelled to visit your website to learn more. Hopefully your landing page is up to par and has the hook to pull your prospective client in. When starting your article campaign, look for an article directory site that you feel comfortable with. Some sites allow you to post articles for free, charging fees to promote your articles. Other sites require an upfront investment and promise unlimited promotion. Hopefully the site you choose will have an article stats page so that you can track the number of times your article has been read and whether or not other sites are syndicating it. Syndication of your articles by other sites can bring you prospective customers for months. This is when it gets really exciting. I like to test my articles by promoting different ones for a week or more. I'll check the stats, sometimes I'll change the title, and test some more. When I get a quality lead to my website I ask them how they found me. This helps me to know where my articles appear, and also which article or articles attracted them to my site. Quite frankly, if you get me started, I don't know when to shut up, my writing reflects that. Once I get started with my article writing it's like having someone over and chatting away. I imagine that I am talking directly to my prospective customer, providing a solution to their problem. Look, if they didn't have a problem that needed solving, they wouldn't be contacting me. People today are looking for information and expect to find what they are searching for on the web. One of the best ways to promote a product or service is to provide quality articles that address a problem and offer a solution. Another idea for an article is to describe in detail how to use a product. I'll bet you've got a lot to say about your product or service, chances are you know something that most people don't know about your business. If you have difficulty in writing articles, but have plenty of ideas, you might want to hire someone to write for you. There are lots of great ghostwriters who will be happy to produce a quality piece, but be sure it is written with your voice and your message. Don't waste any more time, prepare your articles and then publish them through a well-known article-marketing directory. EzineArticles is a great site that allows you to produce numerous articles for better exposure. Best of all, EzineArticles, like many other sites, offers a training course to help you write and market your articles. It's an inexpensive way to market your business and it really works. Margaret Crum is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years experience working in the advertising industry. Owner of She Writes For Me, a ghostwriting and editing service dedicated to helping small business owners promote their brand through article marketing, blogging and social networking. Follow Margaret on Twitter @magcrum for more tips on article writing. Contact Margaret for writing or editing services: Article Source: ©2015 SparkNET All Rights Reserved Worldwide" Thank you, Margaret for allowing us to share this valuable information with our readers. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me directly for a free "no obligation" consultation. "Let's Build a Powerful Business Together" Adrian C Sheffield - Author, Mentor and Consultant Private Line: 214-221-5689 See Yesterday's Article For Additional Helpful Tips. Author Resource: Adrian C Sheffield - Author, Mentor and Consultant in assisting customers with their writing issues and wants to promote their site to "Top Positions with the search engines". Phone: 214-221-5689, Skype: acsheff20 |
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