Small Business Opportunity Promotion Without the Oversell

Adrian C Sheffield Author, Mentor and Consultant

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In today's article, I'd like to share a very informative article which was written by another professional writer. Read this article throughly and enjoy the knowledge.

Small Business Opportunity Promotion Without the Oversell

By Karen S Musselman
"This is a quote"...
Submitted On April 01, 2013

"I'm sure you've all been approached by the pushy salesman. You know the one. The 'Over-Seller.' The one who thinks that only his (or her) small business opportunity will be the one to make you all the money you've ever dreamed of.

He'll spew out all the hype and just keep pushing and pushing, like a used car salesman trying to clear his lot in one day. Basically, he doesn't care what you think or what you want. Only he knows best what will work for you and has absolutely no concept of how to deal with people.

There's a difference between self-confidence and over-confidence when you're trying to promote your small business opportunity. It's like sports - once you get over-confident, your opponent will roll right over you and you'll be left standing wondering what the heck just happened.

And you'll see this with the over-confident, over-seller too.

Their prospects shake their heads, hold their hands up and walk away, while the sales guy stands there with a really confused look on his face like, 'What did I do wrong?'

And he's left wondering why, even though he's excited about the business opportunity, why he can't get anyone else to get excited about it too and sign up for what he thinks is the best business opportunity in the world.

Because he's using the wrong approach, an approach that will probably turn off more than half of the people he talks to.

So How Do You Promote Your Small Business Opportunity Without the Hype?

Here are some tips for speaking with people - not at people - about your business, in a way that will get others interested, excited and curious, leading them into wanting to learn more - not rolling their eyes and walking away.

1.Be tactful. Get to know the people you're dealing with. Take time to learn what it is that motivates them. It may be a lot different than what motivates you. For instance, you may be in it for the money, they may want to join a small business opportunity that fills a productivity void.

2.Be confident. - but not Over confident. If you've taken the time yourself to really know the inner workings of the company you're in, you'll allow your prospects to ask questions that you'll be able to easily answer.

And if what you're speaking about interests them, they'll ask more questions. Remember, when it comes to any type of a business, one size does not fit all.

3.Be honestly sincere. If you're really sincere about and believe in your business, that will show through not only in your words, but in your actions, facial expressions, and body language.

If the prospect is someone who's looking for an ethical small business opportunity, and your company is ethical, and if what you've said matches with what they're looking for, they'll warm to you and invite you to share more information.

4.Listen intently.

Your prospects may have started a conversation with you about the business opportunity they're in and how it's not working or what they don't like about it.

They may not be interested in jumping into a new opportunity just yet, but if you can feel out a sense of what they're looking for, and your business meets those needs, you can easily warm them to jumping ship on what they're currently doing and give your business a shot.

5.Ask for a business cardfrom them and ask if it's okay to stay in touch with them. This says you're interested in helping them meet their goals, but without trying to push your opportunity down their throats. Only give them a business card if they ask for one in return.

In fact, this small gesture shows that you're interested in making new business contacts and building relationships and you're not just out to sign up another referral.

Karen Musselman works with two network marketing companies, which she writes about on her blog, Working at Home with KSMusselman. You can learn about Karen and what she does to make money from home, by stopping by her blog today!

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Thank you, Karen for allowing us to share this valuable information with our readers.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me directly for a free "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build a Powerful Business Together"

Adrian C Sheffield - Author, Mentor and Consultant

Private Line: 214-221-5689

See Yesterday's Article For Additional Helpful Tips.

Author Resource: Adrian C Sheffield - Author, Mentor and Consultant in assisting customers with their writing issues and wants to promote their site to "Top Positions with the search engines". Phone: 214-221-5689, Skype: acsheff20

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